In the village Ie Meulee Sukajaya Sabang district. There is a white sand beach with a very soft sand texture. This beach is also crowned as the beach with the longest coastline in Sabang. If you've been to Sabang will surely know this one beach. Yes! Pantai Sumur Tiga Sabang.
The three well beach is about 2 kilometers from Sabang City. If you are on the front roundabout of The Sago coffee shop then drive the vehicle to the right. If you do not bring a private vehicle during the holidays, you can also use the services of pedicab drivers.
To enjoy the beauty of Pantai Sumur Tiga no need to bother paying the entrance ticket because starting from the entrance ticket to parking everything is FREE. Available parking area is also quite extensive, can accommodate dozens of cars.
Attention from the city government of Sabang to the wells of three wells pretty good. This is evident from the complete facilities and existing infrastructure. Moreover the facilities and infrastructure are well maintained by the local community.
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